My Hearts Belong to Jill

Find the background that matches each heart

Before I made quilts I made clothing and dolls. I made this scrap quilt early in my quilting career so about half the fabrics were from those projects. Every heart matches a background somewhere else on the quilt. The quilt hung over my daughter Jill's bed when she was young. She once said she would challenge herself to see how quickly she could mentally go through and match each heart to its background.

You could have an on-going collection of fabrics to make your own scrappy heart quilt. With leftover fabrics from other projects cut two 3 1/2" squares - one for the background and the other for a heart. Go ahead and prepare the heart appliqué with the one piece of fabric and keep the collection in a box. When you have a good amount, lay out the backgrounds in a pleasing manner then start distributing the hearts over the backgrounds. I believe that even with scrap quilts a visit to the design wall will improve the look of your quilt as you rearrange fabrics to make the most pleasing layout.

This 33" x 27" wallhanging was completed in the late 1980's. It is hand appliquéd, machine pieced, and hand quilted.

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